Home of Hope News December 2013

The two visits which Moira and John have made this year have been very happy times and their relationships with Hajnal, Florin and the young people are now much closer. Moira keeps in touch with them on Facebook which helps their use of English.

Daniel, Lucien, Jean and Georgiana helped at the youth camp through the summer and made many friends. Georgiana has been invited to spend Christmas in Switzerland with a Christian family and will have her first experience of flying!

Apart from Gherghina who is frail from repeated bouts of T.B. and Mirela who has periodic joint problems, all the young people are reasonably well and they are as active as their impaired energy levels allow.

Early in the year a baby boy was born to Hajnal and Florin, named Joshua. Sadly he had a very serious heart condition and he spent most of the following months in hospital until he died at just five months old. Hajnal was able to stay with him in the hospital during that time. Though it was a very difficult time both parents consider that Joshua was God’s gift to them for that short time and they will always remember his smile when he had relief from pain.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Wishing you all a very special celebration of Jesus’ birth.